Welcome to the Google Cloud Certified Professional - Architect Exam Prep Bootcamp. This course will get you ramped up in Google Cloud Platform so you can successfully take the GCP Cloud Architect exam.
In this course we start with a brief overview to ensure everyone has the same understanding of the platform. The understanding you NEED to pass this challenging exam. We will cover the aspects of the GCP Platform you MUST KNOW to pass the exam... Such as migrating Virtual Machines, Determining the proper data storage requirements, analyzing performance and monitoring the GCP Platform,
Remember, this exam is not a walk in the park and I say that as an AWS Certified Pro. Google looks at cloud differently and generally has catered more towards developers. So if you don’t know the developer jargon some of Google approaches may not make sense.. Also, this exam does not test you on the basics of Cloud and thus you need to know what exact services and for that matter what exact service Google believes.
Here is the skills training outline:
Module 1 |